Monday 1 August 2011

Day 40 - Gra(ndpa's a )f(as)t-on(e)

We escaped from our hotel in North York at around 8:15, at which time it was already 25 degrees. Luckily it is a holiday so traffic was very light and this allowed us to take as more direct route out of the city. I left with Torontonian Ilan, who led the way, and Owen. We ended up lopping 25 km off the suggested route and that was much appreciated on a hot day like today. I still went through more water than on any other day so far.

In general, I was feeling tired and after we were finally into rural land, I let Ilan and Owen continue ahead.

I may be getting better at listening to my body. There are some times when I could push on at a faster pace, and on a training ride I probably would, but I now realize that this can have repercussions in the days ahead.

Ego wise, it is a bit of a downer slowing down. In the Toronto area, I've been passed on two occasions by guys who looked to be well into their 70s. One of those guys must have been a competitive cyclist for a while because he had the smoothest pedal stroke I've seen. As you've been cycling for a while, I guess you pick up on these things - some people have real style on the bike. Nonetheless, I have this feeling that I'm getting slower as the trip goes on so it's a bit harder to stay upbeat on the bike. Hopefully I can just put that out of my mind and concentrate more on the scenery I'm (slowly) riding through.

Today's track

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