This didn't matter a whole lot though because the weather was beautiful and I had lots of time (it was only an 80 km ride, even with my mishaps). Also, there was a nice moment on one of these seldom traveled back roads when I ran into a group of girls operating a lemonade stand. I picked up a gatorade (substitute) for $1.50. They said they had made $14 the day before... not sure if that's net or gross.
In Toronto, I had my much anticipated bike fit with Rick Choy at Blacksmith Cycles.

He had me ride my bike on the trainer and immediately had a look of dismay at my position. Turns out I have a pretty significant discrepancy in the length of my legs and was compensating for that in wierd and wonderful ways. I was afraid I would need some exotic equipment to fix this, but he simply moved my saddle up and forward to fix my hip angle and got me to use some wider handlebars to eliminate my "rolled in" shoulders. The next step would have been to try a shorter stem, but at that point it looked like we had resolved the issues that would affect my knees and I didn't want to rack up my bill any more. The prognosis is that my knees probably won't be completely better until I have some time to rest them, but I could feel a difference on the trainer so I'm optimistic that there will be a noticeable improvement.
Today's track
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