Monday 25 July 2011

Day 34 - Blind River

We set off from Algoma University this morning and down Queen St., passing many nice homes. For a city of 75,000, there seems to be a lot of wealth. Either that or our route happened to go through all the best parts of town. I felt bad for not seeing more of the Soo, but that's the way the rest days often go. There's a surprising amount of stuff to do and not much energy to do it with.

Owen and Ilan left a bit later than usual and at last I was able to catch up to them.

This was on highway 638 which was less busy than the trans-Canada but also had 13% grades and long sections of gravel. The grades I can deal with but the gravel was not so fun on skinny tires.

After a while, Chris also caught up and all four of us rode together for most of the day in a pace line (as the pros would call it). Chris is much faster now than when the trip started - at one point he was leading us up a hill and I was working very hard to keep up. Ilan also dropped me a couple of times. I guess it makes sense that we'd all be at a pretty high level of fitness after the number of hours we've clocked on the saddle.

Unfortunately, there were practically no places to eat along the route until 125 km in, and this happened to be the day I packed the least amount of food. In Iron Bridge, we stopped in a little take-out place. The others got ice cream and I got chicken fingers and potato wedges. The woman asked if I wanted the lunch size or "large". Well that was a no-brainer, but even I was intimidated by the amount of potato wedges that showed up 15 minutes later. It's a good thing Chris stayed around to help me out because even with his help, I was stuffed to the gills. I felt like I was carrying an elephant in my stomach for the rest of the ride.

At camp a few hours later, we had a lovely salmon dinner with asparagus, carrots and boiled potatoes. I had two servings of everything except the potatoes.

Today's track

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