For a while after that, the terrain flattened out and I was in daydream land. I ate with Rick, Graham and Jim (I'm starting to think of them as the three musketeers because they're always together) at a large rest stop with native crafts around Pancake Bay. Sadly, there were no pancakes to be found.
After the rest stop, I stopped daydreaming, which was probably good for my safety but made the time pass much more slowly. There were lots of beaches, nice views of the lake, and Ontarionians on vacation. I didn't take many pictures due to my recent camera issues.

Coming into the Soo, there was a hill called something like One Mile Hill.

You could see it looming from quite a distance, but honestly it was no problem at all. In a strange way, I feel stronger now after a good climb. It doesn't hurt my knees the way headwinds do.
Although it was a "routine" day, at 9:50 I'm struggling to stay awake. It's a rest day tomorrow so I can count on a good night's sleep, and maybe some more after that.
Today's track
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Landon, congratulations on reaching (and by now, surpassing) the half way mark. I was marveling (verb?) to Dad the other day on the phone that you are in Ontario already, and he said it probably feels longer to you than to us! Isn't that the truth!! -Leslie