Wednesday 13 July 2011

Day 24 - Sioux Narrows

This morning I dreamt that I was in an Airbus A380 super jumbo jet that was struggling to get off the ground. When I woke up, the reality wasn't much different. I had that feeling you get in the thin, recycled air of a jetliner. There didn't seem to be enough oxygen getting to my brain. As I got ready for the day, I left a trail of misplaced items behind me and made many unnecessary trips between the tent and the truck as I wandered around like a zombie.

Eventually I did get off the ground and 6 km down the road reached the Ontario border.

It's hard to believe we're in Ontario already.

Another experiment today, this time with "chamois cream", a balm you put on your nether regions to prevent chafing. I've always been reluctant to put goop down there but after yesterday I was ready to try anything. I'm not sure if it helped a whole lot but I could tell it was there. Instead of eating sticky buns like yesterday, today I had sticky buns (TMI?).

I rode a lot more slowly today and was feeling better at the end of the ride than at the beginning. We went through Kenora, which looked out on a beautiful big lake, and also saw this thing.

Today's track

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  1. Following your posts every day (when you are able to post) and have passed your blog on to several others who find it interesting. I was in Melville one day after you! (Visiting Shelley's parents.) Also rode three days in nearby Yorkton, but we only did about 35 km a day.

    David T

  2. Your blog is a great read. Biking across Canada is something that I would love to attempt.

    Read this article today and thought you'd want to know this guy is beating you :)
