Tuesday 5 July 2011

Regina Rest Day

I went on a shopping spree today.  At Western Cycle I got new booties and leg warmers for the rainy days, and at the Running Room I got cool white sleeves to protect my arms from the sun.  I also picked up some SPF 60 Coppertone.  Take that, Mother Nature.

I dropped into a clinic this morning to use a scale and found that I have not lost a significant amount of weight so far.  That's a good thing.  Rest assured that I've been eating my wheaties and then some thanks to our tireless support staff, Nieka and Chelsea.  They know who to turn to when there's extra food that needs eating.

My other goal for the day was to catch up with the Tour de France.  As it happened, the restaurant (the only restaurant within easy walking distance) had the coverage playing on the T.V. by our table.  Sitting in a comfy chair eating fettuccine with the rest of the gang and watching the end of the day's Tour stage was a nice way to recharge.

A housekeeping note:  if you don't see a blog post for a few days, it probably means I don't have Internet access -- not unusual in the out-of-the-way campgrounds we visit.  I write the blog entries every night but sometimes I have to wait a day or two before uploading them.  So don't worry, I haven't been eaten by wolves.. or gophers.  Also, thanks for the comments!


  1. Bob was laughing at you swearing at the roads in Saskatchewan!

  2. aww, what a cute little critter.
