Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 12 - Drumheller (high water)

A loooong day today, my first century ride ever (100 miles is a century) and in fact I ended up doing an additional 20 km for a total of over 180 km.

In the morning we all loaded up with an all-you-can-eat breakfast at the university. I had a bagel with jam, cereal, french toast, scrambled eggs, hash browns, fruit salad, two flavours of yoghurt and orange juice. The scary thing was that I was hungry again by 1:00. Goes to show that we're burning through a lot of calories.

I rode with Owen for the first half of the ride. After a very convoluted route out of Calgary, we hit the flatlands where the roads run due east and due north.

You can see miles of road ahead. It's there, waiting for you, taunting you. The hardest part about these days will be controlling our pace. It's tempting to go as fast as you can to eat the miles up. That's what I did for part of the day today, but I'm not sure of my body could handle that day in and day out.

The Red Deer River valley was a very cool sight. After taking a ferry across the river, there was a nasty climb up the east side of the valley.

It's supposed to be a 12% grade, and I was definitely huffin and puffin by the top.

After I got to camp, I visited the Royal Tyrell Museum and checked out the dinosaur bones. A classy establishment, for sure. Rawrrrr!

Today's track

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1 comment:

  1. Very cool - I'm enjoying armchair travelling with you Landon. Today Bob and I napped almost the whole day - then watched cat videos. - Margo
