Sunday, 14 August 2011

Day 51 - (how many stocks would a woodstock stock if a) Woodstock (could stock wood?)

This morning I paid the price for yesterday's fun, and the time change didn't help either. It was the typical feeling of inertia after a hard day. I wasn't out of my tent until 7:15, when most of the riders were almost ready to go. Isabel was also a bit behind and waited until I finally got my act together.

In my rush to get into camp last night I failed to get a picture of Grand Falls. We passed the falls again on the way out, so here they are:

We followed the 105 along the St. John River the whole day. You might think that would mean a gradual descent down to the Atlantic but no, in the Maritimes we like our roads lumpy. There were lots of ups and downs which, combined with the stifling heat, made for a pretty tough day even though we weren't pushing hard. I was quite happy to jump into a cold shower after the ride.

A couple of highlights from the ride were passing the McCain headquarters and checking out the world's longest covered bridge. Other than that, there wasn't a whole lot going on along the route.

An interesting fact: there are four separate long distance cycling groups at our tiny campground tonight: two self-supported pairs, the Tour d' Afrique group I mentioned yesterday, and us.

Today's track

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  1. Hey Landon, are you going all the way to St. Johns or are you dropping out in Halifax?

  2. Yo Egor,

    Unfortunately, the tour doesn't go through Halifax. So I'm going to separate from the group around the Canso Causeway into Cape Breton and go to my dad's place there. Then, I'll bike a couple of days on my own to Halifax.

  3. Are you staying there for good or are you coming back to Van?

  4. Looks like I'll be coming back to Van in the fall, after some time with the family in NS.
